“Kembrij as and a-level” imtihonlari va dasturning afzalliklari (Andijon shahridagi prezident maktabi tajribasida)
- № 11 (144) 2024
Язык: узбекский
В этой статье исследуются преимущества и трудности экзаменов и программы «Cambridge AS and A-Level» на примере опыта Президентской школы города Андижана. Будучи международно признанной образовательной системой, программа «Cambridge AS and A-Level»предназначена для подготовки учащихся к высшему образованию и повышения их глобальной конкурентоспособности. Однако, её внедрение вызывает определенные трудности. Основываясь на опыте Президентской школы города Андижана, проводится анализ, помогающий глубже понять преимущества и сложности данной образовательной модели.
Ushbu maqola “Kembrij AS and A-Level” imtihonlari va dasturining foydalari hamda qiyinchiliklarini Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabi tajribasi asosida o’rganadi. Xalqaro tan olingan ta’lim tizimi sifatida “Kembrij AS and A-Level” dasturlari o’quvchilarni oliy ta’limga tayyorlash va global raqobatbardoshlikni oshirish uchun mo’ljallangan. Biroq, uning amalga oshirilishi o’ziga xos qiyinchiliklarni yuzaga keltiradi. Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabining tajribasidan kelib chiqib,ushbu ta’lim modelining afzalliklari va qiyinchiligini chuqurroq tushunishga yordam beruvchi tahlil amalga oshiriladi.
This article explores the benefits and challenges of the “Cambridge AS and A-Level” exams and program based on the experience of the Presidential School in Andijan. As an internationally recognized educational system, the “Cambridge AS and A-Level” programs are designed to prepare students for higher education and enhance their global competitiveness. However, their implementation presents certain challenges. Based on the experience of the Presidential School, an analysis is conducted to provide a deeper understanding of the advantages and challenges of this educational model.
Ushbu maqola “Kembrij AS and A-Level” imtihonlari va dasturining foydalari hamda qiyinchiliklarini Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabi tajribasi asosida o’rganadi. Xalqaro tan olingan ta’lim tizimi sifatida “Kembrij AS and A-Level” dasturlari o’quvchilarni oliy ta’limga tayyorlash va global raqobatbardoshlikni oshirish uchun mo’ljallangan. Biroq, uning amalga oshirilishi o’ziga xos qiyinchiliklarni yuzaga keltiradi. Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabining tajribasidan kelib chiqib,ushbu ta’lim modelining afzalliklari va qiyinchiligini chuqurroq tushunishga yordam beruvchi tahlil amalga oshiriladi.
This article explores the benefits and challenges of the “Cambridge AS and A-Level” exams and program based on the experience of the Presidential School in Andijan. As an internationally recognized educational system, the “Cambridge AS and A-Level” programs are designed to prepare students for higher education and enhance their global competitiveness. However, their implementation presents certain challenges. Based on the experience of the Presidential School, an analysis is conducted to provide a deeper understanding of the advantages and challenges of this educational model.