Кекса ёшда паратонзилляр хўппознинг учраши
- № 4 (81) 2020
Язык: узбекский
Описан клинический случай паратонзиллярного абсцесса, наблюдаемого у пожилого пациента. Возраст больного, возникновение абсцесса в той форме, в которой заднее расположение абсцесса, явились основной причиной поздней диагностики заболевания. В результате комплексной терапии,то есть сочетанного применения традиционного метода оперативного вмешательства и методов консервативного лечения, удалось добиться выздоровления пациента.
Keksa bemorda kuzatilgan paratonsillar xo’ppozining klinik holati tasvirlangan. Bemorning yoshi, xo’ppozning orqa joylashuvi kasallikning kech tashxis qo’yilishiga sabab bo’lgan shaklda xo’ppoz paydo bo’lishi.Murakkab terapiya natijasida, ya’ni an’anaviy jarrohlik aralashuvi usuli va konservativ davo usullaridan birgalikda foydalanish natijasida bemor sog’ayib ketdi.
The article describes the clinical case of paratonsillary abscess observed in an elderly patient. The age of the patient, the occurrence of the abscess in the form in which the back is located, was the main reason for the late diagnosis of the disease. As a result of complex therapy, that is, the combined use of the traditional method of surgical intervention and methods of conservative treatment, patient recovery was achieved.
Keksa bemorda kuzatilgan paratonsillar xo’ppozining klinik holati tasvirlangan. Bemorning yoshi, xo’ppozning orqa joylashuvi kasallikning kech tashxis qo’yilishiga sabab bo’lgan shaklda xo’ppoz paydo bo’lishi.Murakkab terapiya natijasida, ya’ni an’anaviy jarrohlik aralashuvi usuli va konservativ davo usullaridan birgalikda foydalanish natijasida bemor sog’ayib ketdi.
The article describes the clinical case of paratonsillary abscess observed in an elderly patient. The age of the patient, the occurrence of the abscess in the form in which the back is located, was the main reason for the late diagnosis of the disease. As a result of complex therapy, that is, the combined use of the traditional method of surgical intervention and methods of conservative treatment, patient recovery was achieved.