Кардиограммани масофадан мониторинг килиш тизимини ишлаб чикиш
- № 3 (47) 2018
Язык: узбекский
В этой статье были проанализированы методы мониторинга сердечного ритма, фотоплетизмография (ФПГ), электрокардиографию (ЭКГ) датчики, обработка сигналов ФПГ и ЭКГ, а также обнаружение QRS комплекс. Была разработана система мониторинга сигналов ЭКГ.
Ушбу маколада юрак уришини мониторинг килиш усуллари, фотоплетисмография (ФПГ) ва электрокардиография (ЭКГ) сенсорлари ва ФПГ ва ЭКГ сигналларга ишлов бериш хамда QRS комплексини аниклаш жараёни тахлил килинди. Шунингдек, ЭКГ сигналларини масофадан мониторинг килиш тизими ишлаб чикилди.
In this paper has been considered the methods of monitoring of heart activities and current popular methods. Photoplethysmography (PPG) method, its history, heart rate (HR) detection methods and its features have also taken into consideration. Also, pulse-oximeter and working principles of it and spectral characteristics were learned as well as how an important to research special filters against of bio noises were explained. Advantages and disadvantages of ECG and PPG signal processing pointed out and which part of the PPG signal should be worked in the future were analyzed. ECG signal processing is on top of usage for detecting of heart diseases in worldwide today. Many heart rate monitoring systems, which are correctly and accurately working if we compared with PPG, are based on ECG methods. Moreover, PPG based systems are more potential than ECG, but PPG method is still a new direction to be researching. According to the experts and researchers, in the near future PPG based systems and devices will be widely developed over the world. Many more vendors are choice PPG methods for their products like diverse type of smartwatches, smartphones, web applications and medical devices. However, ECG is the best for the stationary cases. For our project, we are going to use ECG sensor to obtain bio signals from the heart and to evaluate. ECG signal has 6 amplitudes that each of them can tell us about heart activities. In this case QRS complex detection has choice that some heart diseases like arrhythmias, conduction abnormalities, ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, electrolyte disturbances and others) can be monitored and analyzed. Also, HR monitoring system architecture based on ECG methods are developed.
Ушбу маколада юрак уришини мониторинг килиш усуллари, фотоплетисмография (ФПГ) ва электрокардиография (ЭКГ) сенсорлари ва ФПГ ва ЭКГ сигналларга ишлов бериш хамда QRS комплексини аниклаш жараёни тахлил килинди. Шунингдек, ЭКГ сигналларини масофадан мониторинг килиш тизими ишлаб чикилди.
In this paper has been considered the methods of monitoring of heart activities and current popular methods. Photoplethysmography (PPG) method, its history, heart rate (HR) detection methods and its features have also taken into consideration. Also, pulse-oximeter and working principles of it and spectral characteristics were learned as well as how an important to research special filters against of bio noises were explained. Advantages and disadvantages of ECG and PPG signal processing pointed out and which part of the PPG signal should be worked in the future were analyzed. ECG signal processing is on top of usage for detecting of heart diseases in worldwide today. Many heart rate monitoring systems, which are correctly and accurately working if we compared with PPG, are based on ECG methods. Moreover, PPG based systems are more potential than ECG, but PPG method is still a new direction to be researching. According to the experts and researchers, in the near future PPG based systems and devices will be widely developed over the world. Many more vendors are choice PPG methods for their products like diverse type of smartwatches, smartphones, web applications and medical devices. However, ECG is the best for the stationary cases. For our project, we are going to use ECG sensor to obtain bio signals from the heart and to evaluate. ECG signal has 6 amplitudes that each of them can tell us about heart activities. In this case QRS complex detection has choice that some heart diseases like arrhythmias, conduction abnormalities, ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, electrolyte disturbances and others) can be monitored and analyzed. Also, HR monitoring system architecture based on ECG methods are developed.