К вопросу использования раневых покрытий и клеточных технологий для оптимизации регенерации кожи
- № 4(73) 2018
Язык: русский
Описаны имеющиеся на сегодняшний день раневые покрытия. Освещены положительные и отрицательные стороны раневых покрытий. Приводятся классификации, описаны биологические свойства раневых покрытий. Определены показания и противопоказания к применению того или иного покрытия в зависимости от фазы раневого процесса.
Tadqiqotda hozirgi paytda mavjud bo’lgan jarohatlangan jarrohlarning tajribasi umumlashtirilgan. Yara qoplamalaridan foydalanishning ijobiy va salbiy tomonlarini aniqlaydi. Maqolaning asosiy fikrlari ularning biologik xususiyatlarini tasniflash va tushuntirishga bag’ishlangan. Yopiqdan foydalanishga ko’rsatma va kontrendikatsiyalar yara jarayonining bosqichiga qarab aniqlanadi.
The review summarizes the experience of currently available wound dressings. Outlines the positive and negative aspects of the use of wound coverings. The main points of the article are devoted to the classification and clarification of their biological properties. The indications and contraindications to the use of a coating are determined depending on the phase of the wound process.
Tadqiqotda hozirgi paytda mavjud bo’lgan jarohatlangan jarrohlarning tajribasi umumlashtirilgan. Yara qoplamalaridan foydalanishning ijobiy va salbiy tomonlarini aniqlaydi. Maqolaning asosiy fikrlari ularning biologik xususiyatlarini tasniflash va tushuntirishga bag’ishlangan. Yopiqdan foydalanishga ko’rsatma va kontrendikatsiyalar yara jarayonining bosqichiga qarab aniqlanadi.
The review summarizes the experience of currently available wound dressings. Outlines the positive and negative aspects of the use of wound coverings. The main points of the article are devoted to the classification and clarification of their biological properties. The indications and contraindications to the use of a coating are determined depending on the phase of the wound process.