Электрон платформанинг ахборот моделлини яратиш муаммоси
- № 2 (46) 2018
Язык: узбекский
В статье описываются основные приимущества информационной модели, основанной на IDEF1X техноло гиях, описаны основные принципы создания информационной модели, основные концептуальные схемы, ключевые атрибуты, пользователи (сущности), классификация сущностей, основные связи между сущностями в системе и способы иденти фикации. Приведены основные отличительные параметры предложенной модели в качестве удобного инструмента построения системной архитектуры.
Маколада интерактив мобил тизим куришнинг IDEF1X технологияга асосланган ахборот моделини яратиш тамойиллари, асосий концептуал схемаси, калитли атрибутлари, мавжудликлар ва мавжудликлар классификациям, тизимдаги асосий боFликлар, идентификация усуллари келтирилган. Ахборот моделининг асосий афзалликлари ва тизим архитектурасини куришда кулай технологик усул сифатида кулланилиши очиб берилган.
The article deals with the principles of creating an IDEF1X technologybased information model, the basic conceptual scheme, key attributes, entity and classification of the entity, key relationships in the system, and identification methods. The main advantages of the information model and the application of the technology as a technological approach to building the system architecture are explained.In the world experience, the view of online broadcasting systems of the developed countries has been developing day by day. Online TV viewers create many conveniences for users. In addition, portals such as Youtube, Amazon, etc. have a lot of multimedia content, but their control system is not perfect. The main purpose of the research is to create a well-developed system of data transmission , i.e., systematic, controlling and quality multimedia data delivery to wide public. The issue of creating a modern online multimedia system is urgent in the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan with the purpose of interactive, fast, high-quality, user-friendly broadcasting, multimedia messaging, storage, processing, transmitting, receiving and networking. Before building the architecture of a modern multimedia system, it is important to set the optimal model for it, relation between main entities can be expressed through this very selected model. As a result of the research, the IDEF1X technology-based information model can reveal and explain the system description. Though the IDEF1X terminology corresponds with the IDEF1 terminology, there are a number of fundamental differences in the theoretical concepts of this methodology. Content of IDEF1X features are similar, it defines the sum or set of copies, which differ from each other in one or more features. Each copy is the fulfillment of an entity.
Маколада интерактив мобил тизим куришнинг IDEF1X технологияга асосланган ахборот моделини яратиш тамойиллари, асосий концептуал схемаси, калитли атрибутлари, мавжудликлар ва мавжудликлар классификациям, тизимдаги асосий боFликлар, идентификация усуллари келтирилган. Ахборот моделининг асосий афзалликлари ва тизим архитектурасини куришда кулай технологик усул сифатида кулланилиши очиб берилган.
The article deals with the principles of creating an IDEF1X technologybased information model, the basic conceptual scheme, key attributes, entity and classification of the entity, key relationships in the system, and identification methods. The main advantages of the information model and the application of the technology as a technological approach to building the system architecture are explained.In the world experience, the view of online broadcasting systems of the developed countries has been developing day by day. Online TV viewers create many conveniences for users. In addition, portals such as Youtube, Amazon, etc. have a lot of multimedia content, but their control system is not perfect. The main purpose of the research is to create a well-developed system of data transmission , i.e., systematic, controlling and quality multimedia data delivery to wide public. The issue of creating a modern online multimedia system is urgent in the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan with the purpose of interactive, fast, high-quality, user-friendly broadcasting, multimedia messaging, storage, processing, transmitting, receiving and networking. Before building the architecture of a modern multimedia system, it is important to set the optimal model for it, relation between main entities can be expressed through this very selected model. As a result of the research, the IDEF1X technology-based information model can reveal and explain the system description. Though the IDEF1X terminology corresponds with the IDEF1 terminology, there are a number of fundamental differences in the theoretical concepts of this methodology. Content of IDEF1X features are similar, it defines the sum or set of copies, which differ from each other in one or more features. Each copy is the fulfillment of an entity.