Электрон хизмат кўрсатиш самарадорлигини орттиришда регламентга мувофиқ танлаш усули
- № 3 (5) 2018
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада электрон ҳукумат тизимининг самарадорлигини оширишга таъсир этувчи омиллар таснифланди. Мазкур омиллар асосан электрон хизматларга таъсир этиб, уларнинг ҳар бири алоҳида мақсад ва вазифаларига эга. Электрон давлат хизматлари тегишли ҳужжатларда келтирилган регламентлар асосида кўрсатилади. Тадқиқот иши сўнггида хизматларни танлаш ва қидириш масалалари регламент маълумотлари вазнига нисбатан ечилиши кўрсатилди.
The article classifies the factors affecting the effectiveness of the e-government system. These factors mainly affect electronic services, each of which has specific goals and objectives. E-government services are provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the relevant documents. At the end of the study, consideration of the choice and search for services was resolved by the weight of the registry data.
The article classifies the factors affecting the effectiveness of the e-government system. These factors mainly affect electronic services, each of which has specific goals and objectives. E-government services are provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the relevant documents. At the end of the study, consideration of the choice and search for services was resolved by the weight of the registry data.