Электр энергияси манбаи сифатида электромагнит Нурланишлар энергиясидан фойдаланишни таҳлил қилиш
- № 1 (3) 2018
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада электромагнит нурланиш энергиясидан сенсорли қурилмалар-датчиклар учун электр энергия манбаи
сифатида фойдаланиш имкониятлари ва ўзига хос хусусиятлар кўриб чиқилган. Радионурланиш энергияси қабуллагичили
датчик тузилмаси варианти, улардан фойдаланиш ва қўлланилиши соҳалари келтирилган.
This article deals with the features and possibilities of using the energy of electromagnetic radiation as an electric power source for sensory sensors, which is considered by us. A variant of the structure of the sensor with a receiver of radio emission energy, methods of usage and the field of their application are submitted in this research work.
This article deals with the features and possibilities of using the energy of electromagnetic radiation as an electric power source for sensory sensors, which is considered by us. A variant of the structure of the sensor with a receiver of radio emission energy, methods of usage and the field of their application are submitted in this research work.