Эффективность комплексной противовоспалительной терапии у больных хроническими гайморитами
- № 3(72) 2018
Язык: русский
ва Фенспирид дори воситасини биргаликда қўллаш бўйича текширув ўтказилди. Контрол группа сифатида Фенспиридсиз фақат антибактериал даво олган беморлар иштирок этишди. Ўтказилган текширув натижаларига кўра Фенспирид дори воситаси билан антибактериал давонинг синергик қўлланилиши яхши натижа бериши тасдиқланди. Фармакологик дори воситаларининг биргаликда қўлланилиши ушбу касалликни медикаментоз даволаш стандартларини такомиллаштириш имконини беради. Текширув натижаларидан келиб чиқиб, Фенспирид дори воситаси бурун ва бурун ёндош бўшлиқлари шиллиқ қаватида яллиғланишга қарши таъсир қилиб, мукоцилиар транспорт функциясини кучайтириши аниқланди. Бу эса ушбу препаратнинг сурункали риносинуситнинг турли формаларида тавсия қилинишига имкон беради.
antibacterial therapy and Fenspirid drug in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis. In control group patients were intake antibacterial therapy without Fenspirid. In the results was confirmed positive synergistic effect of Fenspirid with antibiotics. This combination of pharmacological drugs may allow to optimization of standard therapy of diseases which is stated above. Based on the results of study, Fenspirid has anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal mucosa of paranasal sinuses and stimulates mucociliary transport. This may allows to prescribe it for treatment various types of chronic rhinosinusitis.
antibacterial therapy and Fenspirid drug in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis. In control group patients were intake antibacterial therapy without Fenspirid. In the results was confirmed positive synergistic effect of Fenspirid with antibiotics. This combination of pharmacological drugs may allow to optimization of standard therapy of diseases which is stated above. Based on the results of study, Fenspirid has anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal mucosa of paranasal sinuses and stimulates mucociliary transport. This may allows to prescribe it for treatment various types of chronic rhinosinusitis.