Изучение жирнокислотного состава крови при остеомиелитах челюстей у детей на фоне озонотерапии
- № 3(68) 2017
Язык: русский
Под наблюдением были 29 детей в возрасте от 2-х до 16 лет с флегмонами ЧЛО, которым проводилась местная и общая озонотерапия. У больных с остеомиелитами челюстей содержание пальмитиновой (16:0) кислоты уменьшилось на 1,4% по сравнению с показателем при традиционном лечении и на 2,9% по сравнению с данными при поступлении, пальмитолиеновой (16:1) кислоты – соответственно на 4,0 и 14,22%, а уровень олеиновой кислоты (18:1) достоверно увеличился на 3,34 и 4,6%. Также достоверно увеличилось суммарное содержание ненасыщенных жирных кислот – соответственно на 1,6 и 1,1%.
29 children at the age of 7 to 16 years with osteomyelitis of the jaws were taken part in the research and was carried out local and general ozone therapeutics. It is determined that in patients with osteomyelitis the content of palmitic (16:0) acids in the blood decreased to 1,4 % in relation to the group with traditional treatment and to 2,9% in relation to the indications on admission. The content of palmitic (16:1) acids decreased to 4,0 % and to 14,22% correspondingly. The content of oleic (18:1) acid veraciously increased to 3,34 % in relation to the group with traditional treatment and to 4,6% . It is also veraciously increased a summary content of unsaturated fatty acids to 1,6 % in relation to the group with traditional treatment and to1,1% in relation to the indications on admission.
29 children at the age of 7 to 16 years with osteomyelitis of the jaws were taken part in the research and was carried out local and general ozone therapeutics. It is determined that in patients with osteomyelitis the content of palmitic (16:0) acids in the blood decreased to 1,4 % in relation to the group with traditional treatment and to 2,9% in relation to the indications on admission. The content of palmitic (16:1) acids decreased to 4,0 % and to 14,22% correspondingly. The content of oleic (18:1) acid veraciously increased to 3,34 % in relation to the group with traditional treatment and to 4,6% . It is also veraciously increased a summary content of unsaturated fatty acids to 1,6 % in relation to the group with traditional treatment and to1,1% in relation to the indications on admission.