Использование расширенных влентных последовательностей (молекулярных подписей) в QSAR и QSPR исследованиях
- № 6(12) 2017
Язык: русский
Молекулярный дескриптор позволяет кодировать химическое соединение так, чтобы задачи моделирования отношения «структура-активность» QSAR и «структура-свойство» QSPR были решены эффективно. Дескриптор молекулярной подписи является одним из немногих молекулярных дескрипторов, для которых была эффективно решена детерминированная обратная задача. Одним из этапов реализации последней является решение прямой задачи QSPR. В данной работе исследуется точность моделей SVM, построенных на дескрипторе подписи, в решении задачи QSAR. Для этого было проведено 5 вычислительных экспериментов с различными условиями в постановках задач: тип химического пространства, релевантность подписей, масштабирование выборки, взаимосвязь качества классификации на SVM с разными ядрами и коэффициентом моделеспособности выборки.
A molecular descriptor allows the chemical compound to be encoded so that the tasks of modeling the QSAR structureactivity relationship and the QSPR structure-property have been effectively solved. The molecular signature descriptor is one of the few molecular descriptors for which the deterministic inverse problem solved effectively. One of the stages of implementing the inverse task is the solution of the direct QSPR problem. In this paper, we investigate the accuracy of the SVM models built on the signature descriptor in solving the QSAR problem. For this purpose, five computational experiments carried out with different conditions in the formulation of tasks: the type of chemical space, the relevance of signatures, the scaling of the sample, the relationship of the quality of classification to SVM with different kernel and the coefficient of sample modelability.
Molekulyar deskriptor kimyoviy birikmani kodlashni ta’minlaydi, shuning uchun QSAR “struktura-aktivlik” munosabatlarini modellashtirish va QSPR “struktura-xususiyat” samarali ravishda hal qilish vazifasi qo’yildi. Molekulyar imzo deskriptori teskari muammoni samarali echgan bir nechta molekulyar deskriptorlardan biridir. Ularni amalga oshirish bosqichlaridan biri QSPR muammosini echishidir. Ushbu maqolada, biz QSAR muammosini hal qilishda imzo deskriptorlariga qurilgan SVM modellarining aniqligini tekshiramiz. Buning uchun 5 ta hisoblash tajribalari turli vazifalar bilan bajarildi: kimyoviy fazoning turi, imzolarning dolzarbligi, tanlanmani mashtablash, SVM uchun turli yadrolar bilan sinflash sifati o’rtasidagi munosabatlar va tanlanmani model qurish qobiliyati koeffitsienti.
A molecular descriptor allows the chemical compound to be encoded so that the tasks of modeling the QSAR structureactivity relationship and the QSPR structure-property have been effectively solved. The molecular signature descriptor is one of the few molecular descriptors for which the deterministic inverse problem solved effectively. One of the stages of implementing the inverse task is the solution of the direct QSPR problem. In this paper, we investigate the accuracy of the SVM models built on the signature descriptor in solving the QSAR problem. For this purpose, five computational experiments carried out with different conditions in the formulation of tasks: the type of chemical space, the relevance of signatures, the scaling of the sample, the relationship of the quality of classification to SVM with different kernel and the coefficient of sample modelability.
Molekulyar deskriptor kimyoviy birikmani kodlashni ta’minlaydi, shuning uchun QSAR “struktura-aktivlik” munosabatlarini modellashtirish va QSPR “struktura-xususiyat” samarali ravishda hal qilish vazifasi qo’yildi. Molekulyar imzo deskriptori teskari muammoni samarali echgan bir nechta molekulyar deskriptorlardan biridir. Ularni amalga oshirish bosqichlaridan biri QSPR muammosini echishidir. Ushbu maqolada, biz QSAR muammosini hal qilishda imzo deskriptorlariga qurilgan SVM modellarining aniqligini tekshiramiz. Buning uchun 5 ta hisoblash tajribalari turli vazifalar bilan bajarildi: kimyoviy fazoning turi, imzolarning dolzarbligi, tanlanmani mashtablash, SVM uchun turli yadrolar bilan sinflash sifati o’rtasidagi munosabatlar va tanlanmani model qurish qobiliyati koeffitsienti.