Иследование влияния погодно-климатических факторов на экологическое состояние регионов на основе стстической обработки данных
- № 5(11) 2017
Язык: русский
В работе рассмотрена проблема, связанная с исследованием влияния основных погодно-климатических факторов, рельефа местности и особенностей циркуляции ветровых режимов, характерных для Среднеазиатского региона на процесс распространения вредных веществ в атмосфере. В статье приведены формулы для определения основных параметров процесса распространения вредных веществ в атмосфере: изменений скорости ветра, коэффициентов турбулентности по вертикали и шероховатости подстилающей поверхности. Проведен анализ многолетних данных по скоростям ветра, относительной влажности воздуха и других синоптических параметров. На основе анализа и статистической обработки многолетних данных получена синусоидальная зависимость для вычисления коэффициента поглощения, который зависит от влажности воздушной массы атмосферы и числа осадков. Приведены выводы по основными параметрами процесса.
In this paper, the problem of survey of the effect of the main weather-climatic factors, relief of the terrain and circulation characteristic of wind regimes, which are specific to the Central Asian region, on the process of distribution of harmful substances in the atmosphere is considered, which is actual and demands solution. There were given formulas for determination of main parameters of the distribution process of harmful substances in the atmosphere: change of the wind speed and coefficient of the turbulence and vertical roughness. Analysis of the data collected during many years of the wind speed, relative humidity of the air and other synoptic parameters is mentioned. On the basis of analysis and statistical processing of long term data, sinusoidal relation for computing the absorption coefficient which is related to the humidity of air mass of the atmosphere and the number of precipitations is received and summary of main parameters of the process is given.
Maqolada O’rta Osiyo hududiga xos bo’lgan asosiy ob-havo va iqlim omillari, hudud relyefi va shamol rejimlari sirkulyatsiya xususiyatilarining zararli moddalarning atmosferada tarqalish jarayoniga ta’siri bilan bog’liq, muhim va yechim talab qiladigan muammo qarab chiqilgan. Maqolada atmosferada zararli moddalar tarqalishining asosiy parametrlarini, shamol tezligining o’zgarishini va turbulentlik va vertikal g’adir-budurlik koeffitsientini aniqlash formulalari berilgan. Shamol tezligi, havoning nisbiy namligi va boshqa sinoptik parametrlar bo’yicha ko’p yillik ma’lumotlarning tahlili berilgan. Ko’p yillik ma’lumotlarning tahlili va statistik jihatdan qayta ishlash asosida yutilish koeffitsientini hisoblash uchun atmosfera havo massasining namligi va yog’ingarchiliklar soniga bog’liq bo’lgan sinusoidal ko’rinishidagi bog’liqlik olingan va jarayonnnig asosiy parametrlari bo’yicha xulosalar berilgan.
In this paper, the problem of survey of the effect of the main weather-climatic factors, relief of the terrain and circulation characteristic of wind regimes, which are specific to the Central Asian region, on the process of distribution of harmful substances in the atmosphere is considered, which is actual and demands solution. There were given formulas for determination of main parameters of the distribution process of harmful substances in the atmosphere: change of the wind speed and coefficient of the turbulence and vertical roughness. Analysis of the data collected during many years of the wind speed, relative humidity of the air and other synoptic parameters is mentioned. On the basis of analysis and statistical processing of long term data, sinusoidal relation for computing the absorption coefficient which is related to the humidity of air mass of the atmosphere and the number of precipitations is received and summary of main parameters of the process is given.
Maqolada O’rta Osiyo hududiga xos bo’lgan asosiy ob-havo va iqlim omillari, hudud relyefi va shamol rejimlari sirkulyatsiya xususiyatilarining zararli moddalarning atmosferada tarqalish jarayoniga ta’siri bilan bog’liq, muhim va yechim talab qiladigan muammo qarab chiqilgan. Maqolada atmosferada zararli moddalar tarqalishining asosiy parametrlarini, shamol tezligining o’zgarishini va turbulentlik va vertikal g’adir-budurlik koeffitsientini aniqlash formulalari berilgan. Shamol tezligi, havoning nisbiy namligi va boshqa sinoptik parametrlar bo’yicha ko’p yillik ma’lumotlarning tahlili berilgan. Ko’p yillik ma’lumotlarning tahlili va statistik jihatdan qayta ishlash asosida yutilish koeffitsientini hisoblash uchun atmosfera havo massasining namligi va yog’ingarchiliklar soniga bog’liq bo’lgan sinusoidal ko’rinishidagi bog’liqlik olingan va jarayonnnig asosiy parametrlari bo’yicha xulosalar berilgan.