Хоразм саххофлик санъати
- № 1 2021
Язык: узбекский
Хорезмский саххаф (мастер книжных обложек) — один из уникальных видов искусства,
особый расцвет получил во времена Хивинского ханства. В Хорезме для рукописей
делали красочные обложки из различных шкур животных с растительным и геометрическим орнаментом. Сотни рукописных произведений, «одетые» еще в те далекие времена в кожу, сегодня хранятся в различных музеях и библиотеках по всему миру,
The Khorezm sakhkhaflik (master of book covers) is one of the unique types of art, a special rise in the days of the Khiva Khanate, fn Khorezm, colorful covers were made for manuscripts from various animal skins with floral and geometric patterns. Hundreds of handwritten works, «dressed» in those distant times in leather, are now kept in various museums and libraries around the world.
The Khorezm sakhkhaflik (master of book covers) is one of the unique types of art, a special rise in the days of the Khiva Khanate, fn Khorezm, colorful covers were made for manuscripts from various animal skins with floral and geometric patterns. Hundreds of handwritten works, «dressed» in those distant times in leather, are now kept in various museums and libraries around the world.