Догоспитальные факторы, влияюшие на тяжесть течения одонтогенных гнойновоспалительных заболеваний и их исход
- № 1 2021
Язык: русский
Проведен анализ догоспитальных факторов,оказывающих влияние на тяжесть течения одонтогенного гнойно-воспалительного заболеваний его исход. Общее количество пациентов за изучаемый период составило 1305 больных (2018 год-675, 2019 год-630 пациентов). Наиболее часто причиной развития гнойно-воспалительных заболеваний
являются нижние моляры. Детальное изучение показало, что в 55% случаев зуб был
удален во время операции, что свидетельствует о низком уровне терапевтической и хирургической санации среди населения. У больных с острой зубной болью с первого дня болезни наблюдается патологические изменения в тканях, окружающих зуб, недооценка данного факта может привести к развитию тяжелых гнойно-воспалительных осложнений
Odontogen yiringli-yallig‘lanish kasalliklari kechishining og‘irligiga ta ’sir qiluvchi dogospital omillar va ularning oqibatlari tahlil qilingan.O‘rganilayotgan davrda bemorlarning umumiy soni 1305 kishini tashkil qildi (2018 yil-675, 2019 yil-630 bemor). Yiringli-yalligTanish kasalliklarining eng k o ‘p uchraydigan sababi pastki molyarlar sanaladi.Batafsil o ‘rganish shuni ko‘rsatdiki, 55% holatda tish operatsiya vaqtida olib tashlangan, bu aholi orasida terapevtik va jarrohlik sanatsiyasi past darajada ekanligidan dalolat beradi. O‘tkir tish kasalligiga chalingan bemorlarda kasallikning birinchi kunidan tish atrofi dagi to ‘qimalarda patologik o ‘zgarishlar kuzati-ladi, mazkur omilni etarlicha baholamaslik og‘ir yir-ingli-yallig‘lanish asoratlari rivojlanishiga olib kelishi mumkin.
The analysis o f prehospital factors infl uencing the severity o f the course o f odontogenic purulentinfl ammatory diseases and its outcome was carried out.The total number o f patients during the study period was 1305 patients (2018-675, 2019-630 patients). The most common cause of the development of pyoinfl ammatory diseases is the lower molars. A detailed study showed that in 55% of cases the tooth was removed during surgery, which indicates a low level of therapeutic and surgical debridement among the population. In patients with acute toothache, from the fi rst day of illness, pathological changes are observed in the tissues surrounding the tooth, underestimation of this fact can lead to the development of severe purulentinflammatory complications.
Odontogen yiringli-yallig‘lanish kasalliklari kechishining og‘irligiga ta ’sir qiluvchi dogospital omillar va ularning oqibatlari tahlil qilingan.O‘rganilayotgan davrda bemorlarning umumiy soni 1305 kishini tashkil qildi (2018 yil-675, 2019 yil-630 bemor). Yiringli-yalligTanish kasalliklarining eng k o ‘p uchraydigan sababi pastki molyarlar sanaladi.Batafsil o ‘rganish shuni ko‘rsatdiki, 55% holatda tish operatsiya vaqtida olib tashlangan, bu aholi orasida terapevtik va jarrohlik sanatsiyasi past darajada ekanligidan dalolat beradi. O‘tkir tish kasalligiga chalingan bemorlarda kasallikning birinchi kunidan tish atrofi dagi to ‘qimalarda patologik o ‘zgarishlar kuzati-ladi, mazkur omilni etarlicha baholamaslik og‘ir yir-ingli-yallig‘lanish asoratlari rivojlanishiga olib kelishi mumkin.
The analysis o f prehospital factors infl uencing the severity o f the course o f odontogenic purulentinfl ammatory diseases and its outcome was carried out.The total number o f patients during the study period was 1305 patients (2018-675, 2019-630 patients). The most common cause of the development of pyoinfl ammatory diseases is the lower molars. A detailed study showed that in 55% of cases the tooth was removed during surgery, which indicates a low level of therapeutic and surgical debridement among the population. In patients with acute toothache, from the fi rst day of illness, pathological changes are observed in the tissues surrounding the tooth, underestimation of this fact can lead to the development of severe purulentinflammatory complications.