Дистанционное образование. Развитие во время пандемии
- № 8 2020
Язык: русский
Пандемия COVID-19 внесла свои коррективы не только в систему здравоохранения и нашу личную жизнь, но и в систему образования. С одной стороны,имеется желание сохранить здоровье учащихся и педагогического состава, с другой –поддержать уровень преподавания и обучения на должном уровне. Для решения проблемы как никогда понадобились средства и методы дистанционного обучения и образования.Цель статьи – на основе анализа опыта ЕС, США, Китая, других стран дать некоторые рекомендации по принятию решений по развитию дистанционного образования (ДО) во время пандемии COVID-19. Кроме того, автор сам испытал на себе все отрицательные и положительные аспекты проведения занятий в режиме онлайн и поделился своим мнением Анализ этого «краткосрочного» периода показывает, что ДО имеет свои плюсы и минусы.Достоинства: экономия времени и финансов; снижение риска заражения; развитие технологий ДО; стимулирование преподавателей по подготовке электронных курсов; равные возможности у студентов получать знания. Недостатки: отсутствие непосредственного
контакта со студентами; сложность индивидуальной работы и в группах; «эффект
присутствия» у студентов; «активность» недобросовестных преподавателей; сложность
оценки знаний; технологическое неравноправие у студентов; снижение активности научных исследований. Изучение опыта показывает, что этот период заставит пересмотреть отношение как к дистанционному обучению, так и к системе дистанционного образования в целом. Статья будет полезна для руководства и преподавателей вузов, которые организовывают и проводят курсы ДО во время пандемии COVID-19 и строят планы развития ДО на будущее.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments not only to the health care system and our personal lives, but also to the education system. On the one hand, there is an intention to maintain good health of students and teaching staff, on the other hand, to keep teaching and learning process at the proper level. To solve the problem, more than ever, we need the means and methods of distance learning and education.The purpose of the article is to provide some recommendations for decision-making on the development of distance education (DE) during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the analysis of the experience of the EU, USA, China and other countries. In addition, the author himself experienced all the negative and positive aspects of conducting classes online and shared his opinion.Analysis of this «short-term» period shows that DE has its pros and cons. Advantages: saving time and money; reducing the risk of getting sick; development of DE technologies; enhancement of teachers to prepare e-courses; equal opportunities for students to gain knowledge. Disadvantages:lack of direct contact with students; difficulty of individual work and in groups; «Presence Effect»of students; activity of unscrupulous teachers; complexity of knowledge assessment; technological inequality among students; decreased activity of scientific research.The study of the experience shows that this period will make us reconsider the attitude both to distance learning and to the system of distance education as a whole. The article will be useful for university administrators and teachers who organize and conduct DE courses during the COVID-19 pandemic and make plans for future DE development.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments not only to the health care system and our personal lives, but also to the education system. On the one hand, there is an intention to maintain good health of students and teaching staff, on the other hand, to keep teaching and learning process at the proper level. To solve the problem, more than ever, we need the means and methods of distance learning and education.The purpose of the article is to provide some recommendations for decision-making on the development of distance education (DE) during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the analysis of the experience of the EU, USA, China and other countries. In addition, the author himself experienced all the negative and positive aspects of conducting classes online and shared his opinion.Analysis of this «short-term» period shows that DE has its pros and cons. Advantages: saving time and money; reducing the risk of getting sick; development of DE technologies; enhancement of teachers to prepare e-courses; equal opportunities for students to gain knowledge. Disadvantages:lack of direct contact with students; difficulty of individual work and in groups; «Presence Effect»of students; activity of unscrupulous teachers; complexity of knowledge assessment; technological inequality among students; decreased activity of scientific research.The study of the experience shows that this period will make us reconsider the attitude both to distance learning and to the system of distance education as a whole. The article will be useful for university administrators and teachers who organize and conduct DE courses during the COVID-19 pandemic and make plans for future DE development.