Challenging issues of adapting the education system of Uzbekistan to the digital generation
- № 8 2020
Язык: английский
Ҳозирги кунда дуне миқесида рақамлаштиришнинг инсонлар ҳаетининг турли
томонларига тобора таъсири ўсиб бораетган бир пайтда, олий таълим тизими тамойилларини қайта кўриб чиқиш зарурияти муҳим муаммога айланиб қолмоқда. Янги технологияларнинг фаол тарқалиши туфайли биз рақамли дунеда ҳает кечиришимиз, ундаги жадал ривожланаетган технологиялар асосида ижтимоий ўзгаришлар бизнинг еш авлодимизга таъсир кўрсатиши ўқитувчилар томонидан янги рақамли шароитда таълим бериш ва ўқитиш усулларини тубдан қайта кўриб чиқишлари талабини кучайтиради. Ушбу мақолада таълим тизимини рақамли авлодга мослаштириш масалаларини муҳокама қилган ҳолда, рақамли трансформация жараенининг йўналишлари ва муаммолари, таълим жараенида ахборот-коммуникация технологияларини қўллаш талабларини кўриб чиқилган. Ўзбекистонда олий таълим тизимини янада такомиллаштириш мақсадидан келиб чиққан ҳолда, HiEdTec лойиҳаси тажрибаси асосида ўқитувчилар учун ноанъанавий тарзда ўқитиш учун қўшимча шартлар белгиланиши ва таълим парадигмаси ўзгариши кўрсатиб берилган.
With the current trends across the globe on ever-growing impact of digitalization to different sides of human being, the necessity for higher education to be rethought becomes an important issue. Due to the active expansion of new technologies, we live in a digital world wherein fast-paced, technology-driven social change influenced our younger generation, and educators should fundamentally rethink the ways they provide teaching and learning in a new digital landscape. It causes transformation of education — a good chance for business and economic growth,being a tool for the global market entry. In this document authors discuss the issues of adapting the education system to the digital generation, while considering the directions and challenges,requirements for the digital transformation process, applying information and communication technologies in education, taking into account the terms of reforming process and further modernization of the higher education system in Uzbekistan. Moreover, based on the experience of HiEdTec project the shift of educational paradigm is demonstrated when additional prerequisites should be defined for educators on teaching in the unconventional way.
With the current trends across the globe on ever-growing impact of digitalization to different sides of human being, the necessity for higher education to be rethought becomes an important issue. Due to the active expansion of new technologies, we live in a digital world wherein fast-paced, technology-driven social change influenced our younger generation, and educators should fundamentally rethink the ways they provide teaching and learning in a new digital landscape. It causes transformation of education — a good chance for business and economic growth,being a tool for the global market entry. In this document authors discuss the issues of adapting the education system to the digital generation, while considering the directions and challenges,requirements for the digital transformation process, applying information and communication technologies in education, taking into account the terms of reforming process and further modernization of the higher education system in Uzbekistan. Moreover, based on the experience of HiEdTec project the shift of educational paradigm is demonstrated when additional prerequisites should be defined for educators on teaching in the unconventional way.