Ахборотлашган иқтисодиѐт ва Узбекистон корхоналарида замонавий актдан фойдаланиш масалалари
- № 2 (8) 2019
Язык: узбекский
Ҳозирги давргача Ўзбекистонда ахборот-коммуникация технологиялари соҳасининг ривожланишибир неча босқичларни босиб ўтди ва ахборот-коммуникация технологиялар ривожланишининг ҳозирги босқичига унинг шаклланаѐтганлиги ва ривожланишининг юқори динамикаси хосдир. Ахборотлашган иқтисодиѐт янги турдаги иқтисодиѐт бўлиб, у кишилик жамияти ривожланишининг имкониятларини кенгайтиришга қаратилган. Ўзбекистонда ахборотлашган иқтисодиѐтнинг шаклланиши ахборот-коммуникация технологияларининг ривожланиши билан чамбарчас боғлиқ. Афсуски, Ўзбекистонда ахборотлашган иқтисодиѐтнинг шаклланиши ва ривожланишига бағишланган тадқиқотлар шу кунгача олиб борилмаган. Ахборот-коммуникация технологияларини ривожлантириш бўйича давлат дастурларини муваффақиятли жорий этишнинг кафолати – бу ўтказиладиган кенг қамровли илмий тадқиқотлар асосида ахборотлашган иқтисодиѐтиндикаторларининг самарали тизимини яратишдир.
Development of informationcommunication technologies in Uzbekistan is characterized by several stages. The modern stage of development of informationcommunication technologies in the republic is characterized by the period of formation and high dynamics of development.Information economy represents new economy,which is directed to expansion of human opportunities of development.Formation of information economy in Uzbekistan is inseparably linked with development of information-communication technologies. Unfortunately, the researches connected with formation and development of information economy in Uzbekistan weren’t conducted so far. Guarantee of successful implementation of state programs of development of information-communication technologies is creation of effective system of indicators of information economy on the basis of the conducted large-scale scientific researches.
Development of informationcommunication technologies in Uzbekistan is characterized by several stages. The modern stage of development of informationcommunication technologies in the republic is characterized by the period of formation and high dynamics of development.Information economy represents new economy,which is directed to expansion of human opportunities of development.Formation of information economy in Uzbekistan is inseparably linked with development of information-communication technologies. Unfortunately, the researches connected with formation and development of information economy in Uzbekistan weren’t conducted so far. Guarantee of successful implementation of state programs of development of information-communication technologies is creation of effective system of indicators of information economy on the basis of the conducted large-scale scientific researches.