Ахборот тизимларида самарали электрон хизматларни танлаш Технологияси
- № 1 (3) 2018
Язык: узбекский
Мақолада хизматлар мажмуасидан иборат ахборот тизимларда фойдаланувчининг ҳуқуқ-даражалари бўйича реал
вақтда муҳим электрон хизматларни самарали танлаш масаласи кўриб чиқилади. Хизмат кўрсатишда мавжуд объектлараро
муносабатларида пайдо бўладиган аломатларнинг жараён схемаси ишлаб чиқилган. Жараёндаги ҳар бир объектга эксперт
коэффициентларига эга параметрли белгилашлар киритилади. Хизматларни самарали танлашда хизматларни муддати,
жорий вақтга нисбати, боғлиқлиги, бажариш хажмига ва салмоқ коэффициентларини мезонли ўзгартириш орқали хизмат
муҳимлигини ошириш технологияси ишлаб чиқилади. Хизматлар салмоғини ўзгартирувчи технология учун махсус
мезонлар, функциялар ва алгоритмлар ишлаб чиқилган. Хизматларни тақдим этувчи ахборот тизимларда фойдаланувчига
самарали хизматларни танлаш технологиясидан фойдаланиш таклиф этилади.
The article discusses the issue of effective selection of electronic services in real-time, based on the user’s rights in information systems consisting of a set of services.The scheme of the symptoms that arises in inter-agency relationships in the service has been developed. Parametric definitions with expert coefficients are added to each object in the process. With an effective selection of services, technology is developed to increase the value of the service by changing the service life during the current time, the dependence, the magnitude of the performance and the coefficient coefficients.Specific criteria, features, and algorithms have been developed for service quality changing technology. In the information systems providing services, it is recommended to use the technology of selecting effective services for the user
The article discusses the issue of effective selection of electronic services in real-time, based on the user’s rights in information systems consisting of a set of services.The scheme of the symptoms that arises in inter-agency relationships in the service has been developed. Parametric definitions with expert coefficients are added to each object in the process. With an effective selection of services, technology is developed to increase the value of the service by changing the service life during the current time, the dependence, the magnitude of the performance and the coefficient coefficients.Specific criteria, features, and algorithms have been developed for service quality changing technology. In the information systems providing services, it is recommended to use the technology of selecting effective services for the user