Агрегационная активность тромбоцитов и тромборезистентность сосудистой стенки у больных хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом в сочетании синдромом атеросклероза
- № 4(73) 2018
Язык: русский
It is known that platelets are strongly adsorbed on the area lacking the endothelial lining against the background of endothelial cell dysfunction, which leads to an increase in the active forms of blood platelets. The observed dynamics of the sum of active forms of platelets in patients with CGP tended to increase by an average of 48%. Atherosclerosis syndrome in this group of patients was accompanied by a significant increase in the amount. Increased levels of desquamated endotheliocytes, von Willebrand factor, thrombomodulin, endothelin-1, and active forms of platelets in patients with chronic hepatitis C combined with atherosclerosis syndrome.